Customer Testimonials

"Doppler is one of those products that once you start using, you wonder how you functioned without it. It’s a complete no-brainer. While the product is undoubtedly the best in its class, Doppler’s support is par excellence too: because of some idiosyncrasies in our setup we ran into some edge cases. Brian patiently helped me get everything squared away on a Zoom call. 10/10 would use again."

Ankit Gordhandas
Intersect Labs

"As a small team with limited resources, we have a million things on our plate, and never enough time. Doppler has made it extremely simple to manage our secrets and onboard new employees. That's one less thing to worry about!"

Courtland Allen
Indie Hackers

"Doppler was a game-changer for us... Having a secrets manager with a beautiful dashboard and an amazing command-line tool greatly increased the productivity of our engineers."

Michael McCarthy

"I've used Doppler for several days now and set everything up in Heroku, Netlify, AWS and locally. Really great work. I love every single part of Doppler. Super clever features like branching of configs, references to other secrets etc are thought of in such detail. The setup was a breeze and it's saving us so much time. Amazing product!"

Sascha Metz

"Doppler has been pivotal in managing secrets at scale for our remote first company. Our developers love using it daily and the integrations with AWS have streamlined secrets ops."

Gilad Novik

"Doppler has enabled our team to achieve more while worrying less. Onboarding engineers and projects is now a breeze and we feel safe with Doppler's attention to detail and high standards for security."

Gavin Mai

"Doppler helps Searchlight ensure that our engineering practices meet the highest security and privacy standards. Their developer interface makes secret management a breeze, and the workflow is instrumental to keeping our distributed team in sync."

Anna Wang

"As a Fintech company, security and reliability are paramount. Doppler has been critical in maintaining the integrity of our secrets while being extremely easy to use. It’s easily the best secrets management tool I’ve ever used and integrating it into our CI/CD pipeline was a breeze."

Kenan Pulak

"Doppler has helped us drastically improve the developer experience at On Deck by having a single source of truth for all our environment variables. The Vercel integration takes that to the next level and allows us to quickly sync our environment variables to all of our Vercel projects with ease."

Zach Waterfield
Senior Software Engineer
On Deck

"Doppler is a foundational part of our dev, staging, and production infrastructure. Once you start using it, it's hard to go back. Doppler not only manages our secrets, but also various constants we want to share across our fleet. We were accustomed to using similar infrastructure while at Facebook, and we're glad to have Doppler fill that gap without having to build it ourselves."

Ivan Kanevski
Slapdash (aq ClickUp)

"Doppler is solving one of those problems that you don't realize you have until someone shows you the solution, and once they do, you have no idea how you survived without it. I'm not entirely sure what we'd do without Doppler."

Ben Botvinick

"Doppler has made it trivial to manage complex application configuration with minimal education around new tools for our engineering team. Plus, the kubernetes integrations makes it so that our team is empowered to manage the lifecycle of their own secrets and have confidence in knowing that all their applications have consumed it immediately."

Danny Garcia
Infrastructure Engineer

"Doppler was easy to adopt as a growing team. Recently, we passed through the security benefits Doppler offers to close a large enterprise customer. It has helped us build security best practice into our company and make more money."

Roger Kirkness

"As a company in the security and compliance space, security is of paramount importance. We love Doppler, as it gives our engineers a secure way to manage secrets across all our projects in a single hub."

Natasja Nielsen

"Doppler is Snackpass’s trusted store of secrets. Setting up Doppler as our secrets manager across all our dev machines, CI, and production environments was a breeze."

Udit Jain
Former CTO

"Doppler helps me sleep better at night knowing our secrets are managed and safe. As we've scaled and added engineers as well as third party contractors, keeping everyone on the same page and making sure nothing leaks was crucial and with Doppler it was a breeze. Haven't had a single issue with keys since we signed on - which says a lot!"

Abhi Nayar

“Doppler helps reduce the coefficient of friction on everything we're working on and making new business customer facing value not having to worry about all these edge cases”

JP Grace

"Doppler's secrets manager is not only secure but also improves the productivity of our engineers. It is a joy to work with, and it also provides robust security to our (CI/CD) pipelines."

Jermaine Watkins